Punjab is the most prosperous STATE of Pakistan and experiencing rapid growth in human population and vehicular population. The purpose of IDAP is to develop seamless, efficient and high speed integrated transport.

A massive tornado hit the sports-manufacturing city of Punjab, Sialkot. The villages included Machchraala, Chakraala and Buhadarpura. It caused immense destruction in Naqadpur, Macharala, Eid-Gah, Dera Bhattian and Bahadarpur villages of Head Marala district of Sialkot. The houses were torn into pieces, and all the electricity poles, trees and sign boards were uprooted and many people were buried alive. According to the local people of the village everything went from grey to severe dark. The roof tops of more than 90 percent houses and other buildings were flown away or caved in the storm. As many as eight girl students were also injured as their school van was swept away by the winds and thrown into the far-off fields. According to the some eye witnesses, the storm hit these villages with a big bang and loud thunder, as the dozens of the tractor trolleys were flown away and hanged into some trees in out skirts of these villages while the dozens of the trees were also uprooted in this storm. Approximately 20 people died and over 40 were injured due to this storm. The Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) Punjab, took prompt measures to pay compensation to the injured people and legal heirs of the deceased within 24 hours. DCO Sialkot Mujahid Sherdil who is currently holding the post of Director General PDMA Punjab, reached Allama Iqbal Hospital early in the morning and distributed the cheques amongst all the seriously injured persons at the rate of Rs. 50,000/-each in the Hospital; while death compensation at the rate of Rs. 5 Lac to the legal heirs of the deceased persons was given at their residences in the respective villages.